Disposable Vape Side Effect

Disposable Vape Side Effects (In-Depth Look)

If you're looking for a healthy way to quit smoking or curb a nicotine addiction, electronic cigarettes or disposable vapes may present a promising solution. While both are touted as smoking cessation devices that offer an alternative to traditional tobacco products, they are not without their health risks. Today, we'll explore several disposable vape side effects you need to know about.

There are several different types of e-cigarettes and disposable vapes. Many people turn to them because these devices can mimic the act of smoking traditional cigarettes without the potentially harmful substances. That does not mean they are entirely risk-free, and these electronic nicotine delivery systems can be just as dangerous as smoking tobacco cigarettes.

Understanding the adverse side effects of disposable vapes is crucial for protecting your health and making informed decisions when shopping. Certain chemicals commonly found in disposable vapes can cause severe lung disease, so it pays to know what you're inhaling into your lungs exactly.

What Are the Side Effects of Using Disposable Vapes?

a woman not feeling well

Short-Term Vaping Side Effects

Some of the most common side effects of e-cigarettes and disposable vapes are throat and mouth irritation, eye irritation, headache, cough, and nausea. These symptoms may worsen or become less noticeable the longer a person continues to vape. They may also resolve if a person stops vaping completely.

Ultimately, every person's body will react differently. This variability is true for both cigarette smoking and vaping. The critical thing to understand is that constant irritation to your lungs can lead to permanent health problems like asthma and COPD. Should lung scarring occur, it is an irreversible disposable vapes side effect.

Nicotine Addiction

One of the benefits of nicotine vapes is that users can choose what concentration of nicotine they wish to use. Some disposable vapes contain just as much nicotine as regular cigarettes, while some vapes don't contain nicotine at all.

Unfortunately, nicotine is a highly addictive chemical — regardless of how it is inhaled. A 2019 study performed by the Medical University of Silesia, Poland, and the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, found that nicotine from vapes could be even more addictive when used by young people.

Keep this in mind if you're trying to quit smoking cigarettes by vaping nicotine. Choosing the right nicotine concentration in your vapes by opting for a low-nicotine or zero-nicotine variant can be part of an effective nicotine cessation program.


A man sitting on brown leather sofa and holding his chest while coughing

EVALI stands for "e-cigarette or vaping use-associated lung injury." The term was first coined in 2019 by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and refers to a range of lung conditions that may develop from those who use electronic cigarettes or vaping devices. It is primarily linked to the inclusion of vitamin E acetate in vape juices.

By February 2020, the CBD had recorded close to 3,000 hospitalizations due to EVALI and 68 deaths. The typical side effects include shortness of breath, cough, chest pain, fever and chills, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and rapid heartbeat.

Because this disease classification is still relatively new, research is ongoing. In 2021, an American Thoracic Society workshop was held with experts across various fields to understand better the harmful side effects and risks that e-cigarettes and disposable vapes pose. The members concluded that any future initiatives would require "substantial federal investments" to mitigate the public health risks.

Lung Scarring (Popcorn Lung)

Popcorn lung is another use-associated lung injury. The American Lung Association lists diacetyl — a chemical commonly found in buttery-flavored foods like popcorn, caramel, and dairy products — as the primary culprit in causing this condition.

Popcorn lung is formally known as bronchiolitis obliterans, a condition where the tiny air sacs in the lungs become scarred, resulting in a narrowing or thickening of the airways. While major popcorn manufacturers have long since removed diacetyl from their products, the chemical is still commonly found in vapes.

A 2015 study performed by Harvard researchers listed diacetyl, along with 2,3-pentanedione and acetoin, as the most harmful chemicals found in e-cigarettes and vapes that could potentially lead to lung disease.

Vaping-Related Lipoid Pneumonia

a person holding a stethoscope

This condition develops when a person inhales oily substances commonly found in vape e-liquids. In specific individuals, the inflammatory response will occur in the lungs, leading to chronic cough, shortness of breath, or coughing up blood or blood-tinged mucus.

According to Stephen R Broderick, Associate Director at Johns Hopkins Cardiothoracic Residency Program, there is no good treatment for vaping-related lipoid pneumonia other than to stop vaping and give the lungs a chance to heal on their own.


The use of e-cigarettes and disposable vapes has been linked to worsening symptoms in people living with asthma. Beyond that, a 2019 study performed by the University of California found that current or former vapers were at increased risk of several chronic lung conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma.

Among those who were studied, "dual users" who continued to smoke cigarettes while using e-cigarettes or vapes were 3.3 times as likely to develop one of the respiratory diseases listed above. Cigarette smoking alone yielded similar results.

Cardiovascular Disease

Nicotine is known to increase both heart rate and blood pressure, leading to increased stress on the cardiovascular system. While nicotine isn't commonly considered a carcinogen (a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue), it often plays a role in the development of various heart diseases.

According to the American Heart Association, nicotine can also lead to hardening of the arterial walls. Beyond that, vaping can cause cholesterol deposits in the arteries to become unstable and rupture. Both these conditions can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Physical Injuries From Explosions

While rare, it is worth noting that e-cigarettes and vapes have been known to explode and cause serious injuries. An explosion typically occurs when the disposable vape's batteries overheat due to being damaged, improperly charged, or stored in high-temperature environments.

Always follow the manufacturer's guidelines for charging and storing a disposable vape. Be sure to purchase only from reputable vape manufacturers with proven safety and efficacy track records.

Are There Precautions You Could Take to Reduce the Risk of Disposable Vape Side Effects?

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One of the easiest things you can do to mitigate the risks of vaping is to be informed and exercise common-sense caution. If possible, you may want to start with a product that contains a lower nicotine concentration to reduce the risk of addiction and other nicotine-related health issues.

Beyond that, monitor your body for any bad side effects of vaping, such as respiratory problems or cardiovascular symptoms. In short, listen to your body and do not ignore symptoms if and when they occur. Avoiding prolonged or excessive use can also reduce exposure to harmful chemicals, thereby lessening the harmful side effects of disposable vapes.

Are Disposable Vapes Addictive?

Yes and no. A vape's addictive potential is determined mainly by its nicotine content. Again, nicotine is a highly addictive chemical substance that is commonly found in e-cigarettes, disposable vapes, and traditional tobacco products. Many negative side effects of vaping are actually attributable to nicotine.

Even though vapes contain fewer harmful substances than traditional tobacco products, prolonged nicotine use often leads to long-term dependency. This reality highlights one of the dangerous side effects of using an electronic nicotine delivery system.

If you're trying to quit smoking and are turning to a disposable vape for smoking cessation, understand that the key lies in the nicotine concentration. Low or zero-nicotine disposable vapes or e-cigarettes can be a great way to cut back and wean off traditional tobacco products.

Are There Healthier Alternatives To Disposable Vapes?

The good news is that disposable vapes come in different shapes, sizes, formulations, and concentrations. If you're looking to reduce your reliance on nicotine or avoid some of the other harmful side effects associated with vaping, there are several alternatives to choose from.

You may also want to consider nicotine replacement therapies like patches, gums, or lozenges. These products offer a safer way to manage nicotine cravings that allow you to avoid the harmful chemicals found in vapes.

Some people find great success by supplementing these products with behavioral therapies to overcome the psychological addiction that comes with vaping and smoking.

Lastly, nicotine-free herbal vape pens are becoming increasingly popular, especially among young adults. While these devices are also not without their risks, they can be a good option for those who aren't reliant on nicotine to satisfy their cravings.

Can Disposable Vapes Cause Cancer?

The link between disposable vapes and cancer is another topic of ongoing research. While nicotine is not typically considered a carcinogen, other chemicals commonly found in disposable vapes do present some risks.

For example, certain vapes include formaldehyde, a substance that the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) deemed "carcinogenic to humans." While definitive long-term data on the risk of disposable vapes is still being collected, the presence of these potentially harmful substances should not be ignored.

This reality underscores the importance of being aware of disposable vapes' side effects.

Conclusion: Are Disposable Vapes Safe?

group of friends at a picnic with a puppy in the middle of a park

The questions around safety and disposable vapes are complex. While disposable vapes and e-cigarettes offer a less harmful alternative to regular cigarettes, they are not without their risks.

Disposable vape side effects can range from mild to severe and may resolve on their own or persist throughout one's life. Remember that research on the subject is ongoing, and the full impact on users' health isn't fully understood.

Exercise due diligence and take caution when inhaling anything into your lungs. Weigh the risks associated with using vape devices and then make an informed decision that is right for you. If you have pre-existing health conditions or other medical concerns, be sure to ask a trained health professional before using any vape device.

Lastly, only purchase from reputable manufacturers like Ziip Stick. The FDA recently accepted our Premarket Tobacco Product Application. That means our products have undergone thorough testing that clearly demonstrates our vaporizer components and vape juices meet the user health standards set forth by the FDA. We are one of the only vape manufacturers to file for this exhaustive government health audit.

If you're looking for a bold flavor profile with a smooth hit, Ziip Stick vapes are the perfect partner.

Click here to learn more and explore our entire product line

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